Martindale Abrasion Tester

The Martindale GT-C13 Abrasion and Clumping Tester is the standard method for determining the abrasion resistance of fabric or leather and its resistance to caking. Samples were rubbed with known abrasives at low pressure and in a continuously variable direction and the amount of abrasive or clumping was compared with standard parameters. Adapted to test a wide range of applications including textiles, socks, leather, upholstery, carpets, wood and shirt collars.

Four models are available, with 4, 6, 8 and 9 abrasive tables respectively.

Standard of martindale tester:

Abrasion: GB/T 21196.2, GB/T 13775, ISO 12947, ASTM D4966, IWS TM 112, M﹠S P19, Next 18, SN 198529, TWC 112, JIS L1096 (ISO17076-2 ball plate method, optional) choose)

Pilling: GB/T 4802.2, ISO12945-2, ASTM D4970, IWS TM 196, M﹠S P17, Next TM26, SN 198525

Product : Gester Instrument